Item Code: sku-130



Ligne Roset


Storage Furniture




Marie Christine Dorner


400 mm

T H E C O N C E P T : in 2 0 1 7 m o r e t h a n e v e r, M a rie C h ris tin e D o r n e r s t riv e s t o c r e a t e o b j e c t s w hic h will la s t. “In m y c h o s e n c a r e e r I lo v e t his p o s sibilit y r e finin g, o f m a kin g s o m e t hin g in t o a n o b j e c t /j e w el.” A r e c e n t d e cla r a tio n w hic h h a s b e e n f ollo w e d t o t h e le t t e r in her attentive perfection of her Entrèves collection of storage, encompassing a chest of drawers and bedside table : an audacious alliance of the straight lines of the structure/screen and the curves of the tops or drawers and a precious association of refined wood veneers (smoked oak and cherry), four lacquers including one specially created for the occasion (bleu nuit, an altogether logical choice for bedroom furniture), and bronze-finish perforated metal. “It seemed interesting to me to design a chest of drawers which was not simply destined to be backed against a wall, but which could take centre stage in a space. Available as a left/right duo, they could face the bedroom doorway, standing between the dressing table and bed for example; pieces of furniture which are just as pleasant when viewed from the back or side as they are face-on: the rear screen, in wood or lacquer, is just as interesting to look at as the curves of the drawers. The same idea for the bedside table, which brings in a third more precious material which allows the light to pass through it and casts shadows.” QUALITY OF MANUFACTURE: chest of drawers, available in ‘right’ (rounded to the right) or ‘left’ versions. The structure/screen to the side and rear, along with the upper top and drawers, are finished in cherry veneer, smoked oak veneer or lacquer (satin white, argile, plomb, bleu nuit or perle). All finish combinations for the structure and top and drawers are permitted, with the sole exception of cherry/smoked oak: wood/wood, wood/lacquer, lacquer/wood, lacquer/lacquer – which makes 40 (or (6 x 7) – 2) possible combinations. It is possible to create a very large ‘symmetrical’ chest by locating 2 chests of drawers side by side: one ‘left’ and one ‘right’ or the other way round. The rounded section of each drawer is equipped with an elegant storage box which pulls out at the same time as the drawer, thus making it possible to make use of the entire drawer interior, including the rounded section. The bedside table may be treated in much the same combinations of materials and colours as the chest of drawers. The upper top of the bedside table is not in wood panels but in bronze lacquered perforated steel. The veneered or lacquered drawers are replaced by two lacquered shelves. The beside table may be fitted with an optional induction charger. Its 40 x 40 cm structure/screen means that it may be used either to the left or to the right of a bed
Height: 500 mm
Width: 400 mm


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